Weight Loss
We invite you to learn about the difference between fat loss and weight loss and why the treatments at Advanced Health NY work so well, so you can experience the new, healthy, younger you. Our program is a science based, medically supervised neuro-hormonal balancing diet that will change your lifestyle.
Not at all, in fact, eating too few calories will not lose fat. We will recommend a diet that has just the right calories for you and an exercise program that you can live with. Our program is not a fad, it’s a lifestyle.
Our Two Month Program Includes:
Initial medical evaluation
Weekly body composition measurements
Weekly injections
Laser Lipolysis twice per week
Advanced blood work* analysis with comprehensive report
Patient specific supplement recommendations
*Blood work is not included
This program is an eight-week program designed to reset your metabolism and help you develop a realistic and long-term way to lose and maintain fat loss. Here is what to expect:
Prior to starting: You will create a food diary for one week. You will have blood work done, if you do not have recent results. *Blood work is not included
One Week Prior to Starting: You will have a medical evaluation and consult in our office. Body composition measurements will be taken. You will be given a fresh start diet to follow for two weeks. Payment required in full
Week 1: Fresh start diet, Lipo injection. Two laser lipolysis sessions. Body composition measurements taken.
Week 2: Fresh start diet, Lipo injection. Two laser lipolysis sessions. Consult to review
lab results, food diary.
Week 3: Lipo injection. Two laser lipolysis sessions. Supplements. *Supplements are
not included and can be purchased separately or for an additional fee from our office. Body composition measurements taken.
Week 4, 5, 6, 7: Lipo injection. Two laser lipolysis sessions. Supplements. Body composition measurements taken.
Week 8: Lipo injection. Two laser lipolysis sessions. Supplements. Body composition measurements taken. Final consult to review progress and long-term plan.
Value is $1,000. Please contact us at 845-228-7000 for sale pricing.
How does a lipotropic injection help with weight loss?
With an intramuscular high dose of essential nutrients, you are instantly going to notice a change in your body. The injection will promote and encourage more fat loss and calorie burning. Further, it will aid in pushing excess fat out into the bloodstream for excretion, so you are naturally going to notice higher calorie burn, and you are going to find that you are losing more weight, even if you don’t change anything else in the diet. Not only do these vitamins work together to help with fat loss, they also help rev up the metabolism (more energy) which is what you need to burn more calories and fat naturally.
What’s in the mix of injections:
Choline - This is essential for liver function removing bile from the liver, and helping increase energy levels. It detoxifies your system, and plays a natural role in helping speed up the metabolism.
Inositol - Related to the vitamin B family, this lipotropic helps in breakdown of fat as well as various bodily functions. It can help with depression and other psychiatric issues, it can help in treating PCOS as well as other female-dysfunctions.
Methionine - This is an essential amino acid and deactivates hormonal agents (like estrogen) to defend the body.
Amino Acids - There are both essential and non-essential and you will get several, which help with natural biological functions. Stimulate weight loss, increase energy, and give you that much needed jolt you’ve been missing for so long.
Vitamin B12 - Brain, heart, blood function, and other natural bodily functions rely on vitamin B12 to operate naturally. It also helps with fat metabolizing, which is what you are looking for when trying to lose weight.
B-complex vitamins - Lastly, here you get more energy, improved cognitive behaviors, and overall feel more energized and ready to go. All will help in the weight loss efforts you’ve been working on for some time.
What else will they do?
Improved Heart Health, Improved Emotional Feeling, Improved Liver Health, Natural Hormonal Balance, Improves Gut Health, healthier hair and nails, slows wear and tear of joints and ligaments.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before beginning any program.